C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
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298 lines
Most visual mode commands are one keystroke long.
The following table lists the operation performed by each keystroke,
and also denotes any options or arguments that it accepts.
Notes at the end of the table describe the notation used in this table.
In addition to the keys listed here, your keyboard's "arrow" keys
will be interpretted as the appropriate cursor movement commands.
The same goes for <PgUp> and <PgDn>, if your keyboard has them.
The <Insert> key will toggle between insert mode and replace mode.
There is a colon mode command (":map", to be described later)
which will allow you to define other keys, such as function keys.
A tip: visual command mode looks a lot like text input mode.
If you forget which mode you're in, just hit the <Esc> key.
If \*E beeps, then you're in visual command mode.
If \*E does not beep, then you were in input mode,
but by hitting <Esc> you will have switched to visual command mode.
So, one way or another, after <Esc> \*E will be ready for a command.
.ta 0.7i 1.3i
^A Search for next occurence of word at cursor (MOVE)(EXT)
^B Move toward the top of the file by 1 screenful
^C --- (usually sends SIGINT, to interupt a command)
count ^D Scroll down <count> lines (default 1/2 screen)
count ^E Scroll up <count> lines
^F Move toward the bottom of the file by 1 screenful
^G Show file status, and the current line #
count ^H Move left, like h (MOVE)
^I ---
count ^J Move down (MOVE)
^K ---
^L Redraw the screen
count ^M Move to the front of the next line (MOVE)
count ^N Move down (MOVE)
^O ---
count ^P Move up (MOVE)
^Q --- (typically XON, which restarts screen updates)
^R Redraw the screen
^S --- (typically XOFF, which stops screen updates)
^T ---
count ^U Scroll up <count> lines (default 1/2 screen)
^V ---
^W ---
count ^X Move to a physical column number on the screen (MOVE) (EXT)
count ^Y Scroll down <count> lines
^Z --- (sometimes sends SIGSUSP, to suspend execution)
ESC ---
^\\ --- (usually sends SIGQUIT, which is ignored)
^] If the cursor is on a tag name, go to that tag
^^ Switch to the previous file, like ":e #"
^_ ---
count SPC Move right,like l (MOVE)
! \s-2mv\s+2 Run the selected lines thru an external filter program
" \s-2key\s+2 Select which cut buffer to use next
count # \s-2+\s+2 Increment a number (EDIT) (EXT)
$ Move to the rear of the current line (MOVE)
count % Move to matching (){}[] or to a given % of file (MOVE) (EXT)
count & Repeat the previous ":s//" command here (EDIT)
' \s-2key\s+2 Move to a marked line (MOVE)
count ( Move backward <count> sentences (MOVE)
count ) Move forward <count> sentences (MOVE)
* Go to the next error in the errlist (EXT)
count + Move to the front of the next line (MOVE)
count , Repeat the previous [fFtT] but in the other direction (MOVE)
count - Move to the front of the preceding line (MOVE)
count . Repeat the previous "edit" command
/ \s-2text\s+2 Search forward for a given regular expression (MOVE)
0 If not part of count, move to 1st char of this line (MOVE)
1 Part of count
2 Part of count
3 Part of count
4 Part of count
5 Part of count
6 Part of count
7 Part of count
8 Part of count
9 Part of count
: \s-2text\s+2 Run single EX cmd
count ; Repeat the previous [fFtT] cmd (MOVE)
< \s-2mv\s+2 Shift text left (EDIT)
= \s-2mv\s+2 Reformat
> \s-2mv\s+2 Shift text right (EDIT)
? \s-2text\s+2 Search backward for a given regular expression (MOVE)
@ \s-2key\s+2 Execute the contents of a cut-buffer as VI commands
count A \s-2inp\s+2 Append at end of the line (EDIT)
count B Move back Word (MOVE)
C \s-2inp\s+2 Change text from the cursor through the end of the line (EDIT)
D Delete text from the cursor through the end of the line (EDIT)
count E Move end of Word (MOVE)
count F \s-2key\s+2 Move leftward to a given character (MOVE)
count G Move to line #<count> (default is the bottom line) (MOVE)
count H Move to home row (the line at the top of the screen)
count I \s-2inp\s+2 Insert at the front of the line (after indents) (EDIT)
count J Join lines, to form one big line (EDIT)
K Look up keyword (EXT)
count L Move to last row (the line at the bottom of the screen)
M Move to middle row
N Repeat previous search, but in the opposite direction (MOVE)
count O \s-2inp\s+2 Open up a new line above the current line (EDIT)
P Paste text before the cursor (EDIT)
Q Quit to EX mode
R \s-2inp\s+2 Overtype (EDIT)
count S \s-2inp\s+2 Change lines, like <count>cc
count T \s-2key\s+2 Move leftward *almost* to a given character (MOVE)
U Undo all recent changes to the current line
V Start marking lines for c/d/y/</>/!/\\ (EXT)
count W Move forward <count> Words (MOVE)
count X Delete the character(s) to the left of the cursor (EDIT)
count Y Yank text line(s) (copy them into a cut buffer)
Z Z Save the file & exit
[ [ Move back 1 section (MOVE)
\\ \s-2mv\s+2 Pop-up menu for modifying text (EXT)
] ] Move forward 1 section (MOVE)
^ Move to the front of the current line (after indent) (MOVE)
count _ Move to the current line
` \s-2key\s+2 Move to a marked character (MOVE)
count a \s-2inp\s+2 Insert text after the cursor (EDIT)
count b Move back <count> words (MOVE)
c \s-2mv\s+2 Change text (EDIT)
d \s-2mv\s+2 Delete text (EDIT)
count e Move forward to the end of the current word (MOVE)
count f \s-2key\s+2 Move rightward to a given character (MOVE)
g ---
count h Move left (MOVE)
count i \s-2inp\s+2 Insert text at the cursor (EDIT)
count j Move down (MOVE)
count k Move up (MOVE)
count l Move right (MOVE)
m \s-2key\s+2 Mark a line or character
n Repeat the previous search (MOVE)
count o \s-2inp\s+2 Open a new line below the current line (EDIT)
p Paste text after the cursor (EDIT)
q ---
count r \s-2key\s+2 Replace <count> chars by a given character (EDIT)
count s \s-2inp\s+2 Replace <count> chars with text from the user (EDIT)
count t \s-2key\s+2 Move rightward *almost* to a given character (MOVE)
u Undo the previous edit command
v Start marking characters for c/d/y/</>/!/\\ (EXT)
count w Move forward <count> words (MOVE)
count x Delete the character that the cursor's on (EDIT)
y \s-2mv\s+2 Yank text (copy it into a cut buffer)
z \s-2key\s+2 Scroll current line to the screen's +=top -=bottom .=middle
count { Move back <count> paragraphs (MOVE)
count | Move to column <count> (the leftmost column is 1)
count } Move forward <count> paragraphs (MOVE)
count ~ Switch a character between uppercase & lowercase (EDIT)
DEL --- (usually mapped to shift-X, so it deletes one character)
.IP count
Many commands may be preceded by a count. This is a sequence of digits
representing a decimal number. For most commands that use a count,
the command is repeated <count> times. The count is always optional,
and usually defaults to 1.
.IP key
Some commands require two keystrokes. The first key always determines
which command is to be executed. The second key is used as a parameter
to the command.
.IP mv
Some commands (! < > c d y \\ =) operate on text between the cursor and some
other position.
There are three ways that you can specifify that other position.
The first way is to follow the command keystroke with a movement command.
For example, "dw" deletes a single word.
"d3w" and "3dw" both delete three words.
The second way is to type the command keystroke twice.
This causes whole lines to be acted upon.
For example, ">>" indents the current line.
"3>>" indents the current line and the following two lines.
The last way is to move the cursor to one end of the text,
type 'v' or 'V' to start marking,
move the cursor to the other end,
and then type the desired command key.
.IP inp
Many commands allow the user to interactively enter text.
See the discussion of "input mode" in the following section.
These commands are extensions -- the real vi doesn't have them.
These commands affect text, and may be repeated by the "." command.
These commands move the cursor, and